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The Holoskivs'kyi State Park | Foto
Value: Monument of the XIX century, diversity of types of plants

Geographical position: Holoskiv Village, Kamyanets'-Podil's'kyi Rayon

about the Holoskivs'kyi State Park,
monument of the landscape art of the local value

1. General Provisions.

1.1 The Holoskivs'kyi State Park is a monument of the landscape art of the local value. It is situated in Holoskiv Village, Kamyanets'-Podil's'kyi Rayon. It was founded at the end of the XIX century. Park's floristic wealth is represented by 34 types of plants, such as Crimean pine, ordinary pine, Veymut's pine, beech, chestnut, catalpa (Catalpa speciosa), amur velvet and others.
It became a reserve according to the resolution of the Oblast' Executive Committee, No.462-� of 07.12.72.
1.2 The total area of the Holoskivs'kyi State Park, monument of the landscape art of the local value, is 12.7 ha. The users are: Holoskivs'ka Secondary School and Kamyanets'-Podil's'kyi State University named after I.Ohiyenko.
1.3 The Holoskivs'kyi State Park, monument of the landscape art of the local value belongs to the nature reserved fund of Ukraine, which is protected as national property and is a part of the system of nature territories and objects, which are under special protection.
1.4 Liquidation, reorganization of the Holoskivs'kyi State Park, monument of the landscape art of the local value, and change of its borders are carried out according to the legislation currently in force.
1.5 The postal address of the land user:
Khmel'nyts'ka Oblast', Kamyanets'-Podil's'kyi Rayon, Holoskiv Village, Secondary School.
Khmel'nyts'ka Oblast', Kamyanets'-Podil's'kyi, Ohiyenko St., Kamyanets'-Podil's'kyi State University.

2. The purpose of foundation and aims of the Holoskivs'kyi State Park, monument of the landscape art of the local value.

2.1 The Holoskivs'kyi State Park, monument of the landscape art of the local value belongs to the nature reserved fund of Ukraine.
2.2 The main aim of the Holoskivs'kyi State Park, monument of the landscape art of the local value, is preservation and recreation of the nature complexes. Article 37 of the Law of Ukraine about NRF (nature reserved fund) of Ukraine.
2.3 The Holoskivs'kyi State Park, monument of the landscape art of the local value, may be used with aesthetic, educational, scientific, nature preserving and recreational purposes.

3. The regulations of the territory and protection of the Holoskivs'kyi State Park, monument of the landscape art of the local value.

3.1 Any activities, which conflict with the aims of the State Park and threaten their realization, are forbidden on the territory of the State Park, monument of the landscape art.
3.2 Conducting of the excursions and mass recreation and entertainment of people, looking after plants, including the sanitary fellings, fellings of reconstruction and afterculture of the trees and bushes of the identical composition instead of the lost ones are provided and the measures on prevention of self-seed crop and preservation of the compositions of trees, bushes, flowers and grass-plots are taken on the territory of the Holoskivs'kyi Park, monument of the landscape art. Article 38 of the Law of Ukraine about NRF (nature reserved fund) of Ukraine.
3.3 The territory of the Holoskivs'kyi Park, monument of the landscape art, may be divided into several areas according to the requirements, approved for the botanical gardens.
3.4 Maintenance and reconstruction of the Holoskivs'kyi Park, monument of the landscape art, is carried out according to the projects, which are worked out by specialized scientific and planning organizations and are approved by the services, which the Park is subordinated to.
3.5 Owners or users of the allotments of nature objects, declared as the Park, monument of the landscape art, take responsibilities of providing the order of its protection and preservation. Article 38 of the law of Ukraine "About the nature reserved fund of Ukraine".
3.6 Carrying out of such kinds of economic activities, which can damage the Park, monument of the landscape art, and break the ecological balance is forbidden.
3.7 Building of the buildings, which may cause change of the character of the region or landscape and bear losses to the Park, monument of the landscape art.
3.8 The exploration work, mining operations, transgression of the soil and flora.
3.9 Any littering or pollution of the territory of the Park, monument of the landscape art.
3.10 To give the land for building.
3.11 Other kinds of works, which can break natural connections and running of natural processes, loss of the scientific, economic and aesthetic value of the Park, monument of the landscape art.
3.12 Abuse of the legislation of Ukraine "About the nature reserved fund of Ukraine" of the law "About the enviromnental protection" causes the disciplinary, administrative, civil or criminal amenability.
3.13 The dimension of damage caused to the Park, monument of the landscape art, is defined on the basis of the approved tariffs.
3.14 All kinds of the usage of nature, which are carried out on the territory of the Park, monument of the landscape art, are realized according to the permission of the State Administration of the Environmental Safety in Khmel'nyts'ka Oblast' within the bounds, approved in fixed order.
The Statute is worked out on the basis of the Law of Ukraine "About the nature reserved fund of Ukraine".

The Director of Holoskivs'ka Secondary School
The Rector of Kamyanets'-Podil's'kyi State University

Translated by Yana Anufriyeva
mail to: [email protected]