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Risdvo-Bogorodyts'ka Church, the ղ� century | Foto
Maryanivka Village

The wooden Risdvo-Bogorodyts'ka Church is the first church in Maryanivka Village. It was founded on July 24, 1787 by Dean Gavrylo Korniyovych. It was consecrated on November 3, 1790. In 1878, the church was rebuilt and the bell tower was attached to the church building. Church lands: estates were 1 desiatyna (this is an old form of measurement) with 613 peasants, along with plough-lands that were: 31 des., 670 p. The buildings for the parish clergy are wooden and were built by the means of land taxes. The parish school existed from 1878 and is situated in a wooden building, which was built by the means of the parish in 1890 (p. 466).

Maryanivka is situated in a valley, 2 versts from the Zbruch River, 10 versts to the southwest of the Liatskorun' Postal Station. This village was founded on the property of the Sckal's'ke lands in the last quarter of the �V��� century. The settlement was built in the forest. After joining with Podillia, Maryanivka was added to the state estates and then was given to the niece of Potiomkin, Countess Litta. From her hands, it passed to Stanislav Yashovs'kyi. In 1840, Maryanivka was bought by Sadovs'kyi and then it was passed on to Dvernyts'kyi. The Orthodox population is 491 m. and 517 w. There were also several Catholic and Jewish families.

The priests were: Ioan Levyts'kyi from 1787 until 1790, Alexis Granats'kyi from 1822 until 1830, Theodor Barnyts'kyi from 1830 until 1840, Petro Valychyns'kyi from 1840 until 1849, Mytrophan Krynyts'kyi from 1849 until 1869, Yeremiya Slabolyts'kyi from 1869 until 1870 and Pysaniy Kruchyns'kyi from 1891 (p.394-394).

1. ��������� �. ������� � ������ ���������� ������� // ����� ����������� ������������� ��������-��������������� ��������. - IX ���. - �������-����������, 1901. - 1232 �.
2. �.�. ����������. ����� ����������� ������������� ��������-��������������� ��������. - �������-����������: ���������� ����������� ����������� ���������, 1895. - ���.7. - 547 �.

Translated by Yana Anufriyeva
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