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National Natural Park "Podilsky Tovtry"
Official site

Conception, design and selection of materials - Boyev Uriy,
honoured worker of tourism of Ukraine,
with the help of colleagues
of National Natural Park "Podilsky Tovtry"
and National historical - architectural reserve "Kamianets"
and many other juridical and phisical persons, there is a link on their athourship in the materials which were given by them.

 Remarks, propositions and questions send:

National Natural Park "Podilsky Tovtry", Ukraine, 32301, Khmelnytska Oblast,
Kamyanets-Podilskyi, 6 Polskyi Rynok Maydan


tel./fax: +38 (03849) 5-12-70, 5-17-71

Victor Franskevych [email protected];
Oleksandr Bazhenov [email protected]