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Different travelling routes are possible within the territory of the Park:

Bus and Car Routes

Route #6. (one-day)
Kamyanets'-Podil's'kyi. Accommodation in the hotel Ukrayina (Ukraine), pension with treatment Podillia.
Nourishment in the restaurants Ukrayina (Ukraine), Stara Fortetsia (Old Fortress), Suputnyk (Satellite), cafe Milena, Oscar, Fregat.
The objects for demonstration: Rus'ka Brama (Russian Gate), Pol's'ka Brama (Polish Gate), Kushnirs'ka Bashta (Furrier's Tower), Dominikans' Roman Catholic Church, Cathedral, Petro-Pavlivs'ka Church (Peter and Paul's Church), Mykolayivs'ka Church, Chapel of the Armenian Cathedral, Fortress, the �III - �V centuries.

Route #7. (one-day)

Kamyanets'-Podil's'kyi. Accommodation in the hotel Ukrayina (Ukraine), pension with treatment Podillia. Nourishment in the restaurants Ukrayina (Ukraine), Stara Fortetsia (Old Fortress), Suputnyk (Satellite), cafe Milena, Oscar, Fregat.
Departure by the following route: Zhvanets' - Khotyn - Atlantyda Cave, Zavallia Village, Kamyanets'-Podil's'kyi Rayon (to carry out the entrance to the Cave in N.Kryvche Village, Mel'nytsia-Podil's'ka Rayon, Ternopil's'ka Oblast', till the end of the arrangements in the Atlantyda Cave).
Dinner in restaurant Dnister.
The objects for demonstration: In Zhvanets' Village - remains of the Fortress, cossacs' ramparts, place of quarters of B.Khmel'nyts'kyi's regiments at the time of fight with Polish gentry, in August - December, 1663, in Khotyn - Khotyn Fortress, in Zavallia - the Atlantyda Cave.

Route #8. (one-day)

Kamyanets'-Podil's'kyi. Accommodation in the hotel Ukrayina (Ukraine), pension with treatment Podillia. Nourishment in the restaurants Ukrayina (Ukraine), Stara Fortetsia (Old Fortress), Suputnyk (Satellite), cafe Milena, Oscar, Fregat.
Departure to the complex Reserve of the Republic importance - Sovynoyars'ka Lisova Dacha (Sovyi Yar's Forest Dacha).
Dinner in restaurant Suputnyk.
The objects for demonstration: Sovynoyars'ka and Kniazhpil's'ka Lisova Dacha (Sovyi Yar's and Kniazhpil's Forest Dacha), Bakota Pechers'kyi Monastyr (Bakota Cave Monastery) - Stara Ushytsia Town.

Route #9. (one-day)

Kamyanets'-Podil's'kyi. Accommodation in the hotel Ukrayina (Ukraine), pension with treatment Podillia. Nourishment in the restaurants Ukrayina (Ukraine), Stara Fortetsia (Old Fortress), Suputnyk (Satellite), cafe Milena, Oscar, Fregat.
Departure by the following route: Makiv Village - Golozubyntsi - Maliyivtsi - Myhaylivka, Dunayevets'kyi Rayon.
Dinner in restaurant Victoriya.
The objects for demonstration: Mykhaylivets'kyi Park (Myhaylivka Park), the monument of the �V� century - Golozubynets'kyi Park (Golozubyntsi Park), the monument of the garden and park art of the �VIII century, Health Centre Ukrayina (Ukraine) in Makiv Village, Makivs'kyi Park (Makiv Park), Maliyivs'kyi Park (Maliyivtsi Park) of the middle of the XIX century, Karmaliuk's Cave in Maliyivtsi Village.

Route #10.(of many days)

Accommodation in the Health Centre Tovtry, Sataniv Town.
Nourishment in the canteen of the Health Centre Tovtry. Residence time: 5 - 12 days.
The objects for demonstration: Satanivs'kyi Monastery, the ruins of the Sataniv Castle, spring of the medicinal zone Zbruchans'ka Naftusia, remains of the synagogue of the XVI century (one of the best in Europe), graves of the tsadiks of the Judaic sect of Khasyds.
Boats, water cycles and fishing-tackles may be rent in the Health Centre. In winter period tourists may swim in the pool, go on bus excursions to the Historical and Architectural Reserve in Kamyanets'-Podil's'kyi, Khmel'nyts'kyi, Ternopil', Pochayivs'ka Lavra, Cave in N.Kryvchyn Village.

Foot Routes

The first route is 2-days crossing, 30 km long. It begins in Stara Ushytsia along Dnister bank along circular trip, through Horayivka Village. The tourists visit Bakota Rocky Monastery. There is one overnight stop in this route.

The second route
is also 2-days. It begins in Vrublivtsi Village along the left bank of the Ternava River, through Kytaygorod to Kyryntsi Village and back along the right bank of the Ternava River. The route is a circular trip, more than �0 km long. The overnight stop is made nearby Kyryntsi Village, in the forest.

The third route
is one-day. It passes through the Bakota recreational zone, along the bank of the Dnister reservoir Bay with visiting of the Bakota Rocky Monastery (another possible way - in reverse direction on skis over the Bay - 3 km). The route is 10 km long.

The fourth route
begins in Chemerivtsi Town, passes through the forest tovtras to Vyshnevchyk Village, where the tourists have an overnight stop, then, through the hills in the reverse direction to Chemerivtsi Town. The route is circular, 2-days, it passes through the Vyshnevets'ke Forestry. The tourists have opportunity to observe the picturesque landscape in the route.

Horse Routes

The first, three-days route, 70 km long, begins in Kamyanets'-Podil's'kyi, passes through the Karmaliuk's Mountain, Suprunkivtsi Village, across the Ternava River with overnight stop in Podil's'ke Village. Then, through Chabanivka Village to Luchky Village. The second overnight stop is planned in Abrykosivka Village, from which the route goes to Stara Ushytsia Town. The route is landscape and cognitive. The tourists visit the historical and architectural monuments on the route.

The second route
is two-days (50 km long). It also begins in Kamyanets'-Podil's'kyi, passes through the Botanical Garden in Holoskiv Village, then Pudlivtsi and Kadyivtsi Village with overnight stop in Liskivtsi Village. Then, the route passes through Rykhta, Zavallia, where the tourists visit the Atlantyda Cave and other monuments of nature, history and architecture. The route ends in Zhvanets' Tourist Centre.

The third route
is nature-landscape one. It is 80 km long. It begins in Kamyanets'-Podil's'kyi, goes through the Karmaliukova Gora (the Karmaliuk's Mountain) Reserve, with overnight stop in Verbka Village, then by tovtras Chotyry Kavalery (Four Cavaliers), Nihyn Village ( Nihyns'ki Tovtry), overnight stop near Karachkivtsi Village. The tourists visit tovtras Sokil (Falcon), Samovyta, Cherchens'ka. Then, the route passes through Bila and Chorna Villages, (Sorochyns'ki Tovtry). The overnight stop is planned in the forest of Chernians'ke Urochysche. The length of the day crossing is not more than 12-18 km. After the overnight stop, the tourists arrive Chemerivtsi Town through the forest covered tovtras and the Vyshnevets'ke Forestry.

Water Route

It is 110 km long. It begins in Zhvanets' Village, passes downward the Dnister River to Stara Ushytsia Town. The length of the day crossings is not more than 15 - 20 km. The overnight stop is planned in Grynchuk, Ustia, Velyka Sloboda and Demshyn Villages, in the region of the Bakota Bay and Stara Ushytsia Town.

Cycle Route

Day cycle crossing along the landscapes of Podillia is not more than 30 - 40 km. The whole route is more than 100 km. It begins in Chemerivtsi, the overnight sleep is planned in Zhabyntsi Village. Then, it passes through Maryanivtsi Village to Zavallia Village with overnight sleep in Pryvorottia Village. The route ends in Zhvanets' Village.

Any additional information may be received
in the Administration of the Podil's'ki Tovtry NNP.

Ukraine, 32301,
Khnel'nyts'ka Oblast', Kamyanets'-Podil's'kyi,
6 Pol's'kyi Rynok Square.
Tel./fax: +38 (03849) 51771, 51270, 24247
E-mail: [email protected]

Translated by Yana Anufriyeva
mail to: [email protected]