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The Overgate Tower, the XV-XVIII centuries. Preservation #734/4 | FotoThe Overgate Tower of the Russian Gate (the XV-XVIII canturies) is rectangular in its plan, with the axis of the passage of 8.2 m, and the width of 7.3 m. It remained to the height of two tiers. The passage is covered with the torispherical vault. The second tier consists of two rooms: the northern one, that is connected with the gallery of the barbican and the curtain of the Casemate, and the southern one is with two entrances. The Northern elevation of the Tower is coated by the white stone slabs. The memorial plate with the date of the repairs "1770" remained over the gate. The walls are crowned with the white stone cornice. The southern elevation was rebuilt in the XIX century, and the loopholes were altered into the window-openings. The semitower at the Northern gate of the Overgate Tower remained to the height of one and a half tier.
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by Yana Anufriyeva
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