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Denna Tower, the XII-XV centuries, the XV� century. Preservation #730/9 | Foto
Zamkova St.

The evolution of the Denna Tower (The Day Tower), as the researches have shown, passed through several stages of building. The earliest one belongs to the ղ�-ղ�� centuries. According to the stratigraphy and planigraphy, the cultural layer of the �II-ղ�� centuries occupied the territory, adjacent to the Denna Tower, and was located on the depth of 0.72 m from the surface of the Denna Tower. Its thickness was 0.10-0.15 m. It is represented with black and broun humus and the Ancient Russian ceramics of the ղ�-ղ� centuries. Perhaps, all these are the remains of the internal constructions of the walls.
The cultural layer of the ղ�-ղ�� centuries, that represents the typical Ancient Russian ceramics, was found under the western wall of the rectangular building of the Denna Tower. It was found on the depth of 1.2-1. 25 m from the level of the present floor. The ceramics belongs to the first and the forth types according to the classification of M.V.Malievs'ka. It is analogical with Kyiv's pottery ceramics of the XI�-XIII century.
Valuable archaeological and architectural materials were found while investigating of the first tier of the Denna Tower. In the internal western wall of the rectangularbuilding of the Tower, under the several layers of stucco the cut and the vertical joints slots can be seen. One of the cuts is located in the level of the present floor and turned to be the loophole. The analogical loopholes were discovered later in the ancient core of the western wall of the Castle. The second loophole was found on 1.5 m height from the first. The original thickness of the western wall of the Castle reached 0.8 m. Later, it was enlarged from the inward. While clearing the built up wall it was ascertained that the wall had been with toothing layed before. The height of the toothing reached 0.9 m, and the width was 0.8 m. The distance between the teeth were 0.8 m. The loophole, opened from one side of the building of the Denna Tower went into the middle tooth.
The remains of the rectangular ancient tower of the middle of the XIII century, were found in the Denna Tower.

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���'�������� � �������� ����� ������: �������� ������. - ���'�����-����������, 1997. - �. 1. - 124 �.; 1998. - �.2. - 64 �. (2 ���� � ����� ����).

Translated by Yana Anufriyeva
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