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New Western Tower, 1542, 1672. Preservation #730/8 | Foto
Zamkova St.

The Tower makes up the western external angle of the Old Castle. It goes 17.5 m forward the intersection of its north-western and south-western walls. It was built as the pentagonal by I.Pretfes. In 1672, it was ruined. It was restored the same year.
The Tower looks like a semicircle with a diameter of 20 m. Its ends lengthen by the straight lots, 10 m long, and side with the angle of the Denna Tower (Day Tower), 5.5 m away one from another. The walls of the Tower are with a slope. They have the thickness of 3.3 m in the level of the second tier, and 2.6 m in the level of the third tier. They are 12-15 m high from the side of the ditch. The ruined walls of the third tier remained the remnants of 10 loopholes. They remained the stucco from the outside.
The New Western Tower is the largest construction of the Castle. It presents the transition period from the Medieval fortification to the new one.

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Translated by Yana Anufriyeva
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